He had never meant to end up alone. He had never made some grand decision that he was better off without people, irritating, dull, ignorant. It had just fallen out that way. He hadn’t felt that white-hot spark between himself and someone else, promised all through childhood, that welded soulmates together, or inspired friends of…
Isle of Mull
4pm upon the train from Glasgow, on the East Coast Main. Cabers tossed and Munros bagged, by this point we're pretty fagged. Still, a neighbour’s greasy cough makes it hard to just drop off, even in my dozy mood...
The tribe had settled at the fork of the river at a time beyond the limits of even mythical history. Where the first founders of their settlement had come from and why they had decided to migrate to that widening strip of land between the two bodies of water were questions that no longer had…
Death by water
It is a matter of some consternation when a lady’s fiancé is drowned. If I am adopting an air of faint indifference to the destruction of an entire world in saying so, please do not believe that I cannot appreciate its import. It must merely be remarked that one’s own world is thrown into disarray.…
The existence of the city of Laepuria is first felt in the marketplaces of Alexandria and Suakin. Ask a silk merchant in either city of the origin of his goods, and he will tell you of the Saharan city of weavers, whose shallow pitched workshops lie buried beneath the dunes. Life, he will tell you,…